After a long New Year's Eve and day of eating and drinking, I had some some severe tummy issues. Clearly it was not happy with me and my consumption in the previous few days. Not to mention my pet allergies were running wild that day! Sneeze after sneeze can definitley wear a person out! I literally spent all day Friday on the couch watching the food channel. Inspired by all the great food but with no physical energy to make any, my worst nightmare.
At night I decided that I had just enough energy to make a quick dinner for me and my fiancee. I had some meatloaf and some of my homemade chicken soup leftover in the freezer. So I decided to do something fun with it. There is no recipe here it was just some quick add-ins to leftovers.
I heated some soup in a pot. In another pot, I sweated out one onion, several chopped baby carrots and 2 stalks of celery. I added fresh thyme and seasoning to that. Once it sweated out nicely and the flavors had developed, I added it to the chicken soup and stirred to combine. Then I threw in some angel hair pasta just to give it a bit of caloric value.
With the meatloaf I decided to make a meatloaf melt. I caramalized 1/2 an onion in a saute pan. Then I toasted up 2 slices of bread so they were good and crusty. I placed the meatloaf onto the bread, topped with the onions and added a slice of Swiss cheese; under the broiler it went. It came out beautifully crusty and melty on the inside. I just had a bite of the sandwich but my fiancee said that, "It hit the spot," which works for me :)

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