So as I mentioned in an earlier post, I got laid off. So I have had lots of time to think and think and think. After working in the culinary and event industry for close to 10 years (I started young) I am convinced that this is where I want to be for the rest of my life. The hours are long, the days are crazy and the people even crazier...but there is nothing in the world that I would rather do. So after working for a catering company as a catering sales manager and event coordinator, I wanted to make sure I never had the same horrible experience of being laid off. It has taken me almost a week to realize that although our economy is low my talents are still ranking pretty high. After coordinating my best friend's wedding, the most complicated wedding I have done to date...I have taught myself that the best way to succeed is to rely only on yourself. I am blessed with a best friend that knows exactly what she wants and for the most part we agree on those things. However, when she needs some creative advice or a nudge in the right direction, I have no one to turn to but myself. In a way, this has been a complete confidence booster. It was terrifying at first that sometimes I did not know the answer and I had no one to turn to, so I just went with my gut feeling...and it was right. For all the times that I wasn't right, I realized I am only 26 I am allowed to make mistakes.
Naturally, I want to work for myself, be a part of the American Dream, be bigger than I can be. Coincidentially, I was watching Oprah this morning...and she had on some self made millionaires, both of whom were 26 years old and under! The one thing they both had to say was to do what you are passionate about. The goal should never be to make money but to do something you honestly love for as long as you can. When passion is the driving force, money will follow you wherever you go.
I figure I'm young, I have no kids and I have been laid off! All perfect reasons to get my wheels in motion to start my own Event Consulting business. Everyone is so supportive of my idea, which I am quite shocked about!
I know that I need to make money, so I think I may go work at my friend's restaurant and help him as a server. I always loved being a server and the money was really quite good. This will also allow me have some free time to promote myself to vendors who work with people who would be needing my services.
I know many women that read my blogs went ahead and started their own businesses and were quite successful with it. I would love to hear any feedback that you may have for me!
Cilantro Chutney
18 hours ago
Good for you for knowing what you want to do at 26. I am sorry about the lay off but maybe it's just what needed to happen to push you in the right direction. I truly believe that things happen for a reason. Good luck!
Pam I am slowly becoming a believer that everything happens for a reason :)
Having your own business doing something that you love will be hard work, I'm sure, but so much fun and so satisfying. I wish the best of luck to you!
Best of luck to you in your new venture. I was laid off from my job a few months ago and now have a job i love 100% more than my last. Yes, everything happens for a reason!
Mila...I worked for years to save up to start my own restaurant and I always served or bartended on the side to make extra cash...there's nothing wrong with serving/bartending to get to the goal you want (which is to start your own business!) Plus the flexibility is great bc you could do both until your business takes off and you can quit working two jobs. It seems you have quite a bit of experience and the drive so I say...GO FOR IT!!!!
Good luck with everything. I say go for it! If it is your dream and passion, do it!! You are amazing!
I really admire your aspirations! I'm 25 and in the back of my mind, I have always wanted to start my own business.
sorry to hear about your job - i imagine that's hard. but i am happy for you that you're in a field that you're passionate and excited about!
If you were ever going to make this kind of move - this would be the time.
This is likely the best time of your life for taking risks and putting yourself out there. It will be hard, but you will be happier for it in the long run.
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