Heheheh I love this pic!
Alright...I will admit it...I don't do football...I'm not even sure I know most of the rules...In fact, I didn't even know what teams were playing this year. OK there is your shock value for the year...I am just here for the Super Bowl parties! Yup I am a Super Bowl party whore! Sorry:) Whenever there is some big game on, I always volunteer our house as the party house! I love serving the game munchies and drinking and chatting. Last year we had over 30 people for the game! It was exhausting! Our kitchen table quickly turned into a local liquor store, complete with Tequila, Vodka and every variety of beer you can imagine! There was an abundant amount of food and unfortunately at the end of the night, an enormous amount of clean-up for me :( I decided from there on out...I limit game night to 15 people!
Initially, my fiance wanted to have a small gathering of "just the guys" at the house, because apparently "the girls just wait for the commercials anyhow and interrupt our game experience with their constant gossip!" I, however, was not about to endure this whole Super Bowl thing without my girls! So I invited all the guys and their significant others and by the beginning of last week we had 15 people RSVP. Perfect I thought. Unfortunately, by mid-week that happy fifteen had dwindled down to a pathetic 4, 2 of whom were me and my fiance.
Naturally, at that point I decided on just getting wings and pizza from Cosco and cathcing a movie with the girls while the boys gamed, burped and scratched.
Come Sunday morning we had some more RSVP's and I knew I would need to do some cooking! So I looked into my fridge and saw what I could conjure up last minute. I had some ground beef and I was making Cuban Pork Carnitas for the week (it's Latin Week!)...hmmmmm...my little menu plans went to work!
Quickly, I ran to the grocery store, grabbed some tortillas and King's Hawiian Dinner Rolls. My fiance picked up some DiGiorno Pizza and some delish Tyson Honey BBQ Wings from Cosco. What am I going to do with all these wacky ingredients you ask??? Simple: Sliders with Caramelized Onion and Zesty Aioli on Hawaiian Kings Bread and Cuban Pork Quesadillas with Avocado! GOOOO TEAM!
Surprisingly...I actually watched the game...well not all of it...but definitely all of the commercials! There ended up being 6 of us...and I could not have been happier with that number! The boys decided that they were going to get trashed and my friend Kate and I decided to join them just for the heck of it.
Sliders on Hawaiian Bread Rolls
Makes 12 Sliders
1 1/3 Pound Ground Chuck
1/4 Onion, Grated
1 Tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
Salt and Pepper To Taste
1 Tbsp. Garlic Powder
1 Tbsp. Onion Powder
2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
12 King's Hawaiian Bread Dinner Rolls
3 Pieces Gouda Cut, Each Slice Cut into 4 Pieces
2 Homemade Caramelized Onions (See French Onion Recipe)
1. Combine all ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
2. Make 12 little sliders, ensuring that the edges are thicker than the middle.
3. Coat a grill pan (or your outside grill) with spray oil.
4. Sear on both sides and let rest until ready to serve. Add smoked Gouda slices, and finish them off right before serving in a 450-degree oven for about 5-7 minutes, until pink in the middle and cheese is melty.
5. Cut rolls in half and smear zesty aioli sauce (see below) on the top buns. Place burger onto bun, layer up some caramelized onions and top off with the top bun!
Zesty Aioli
1/2 Cup Mayonnaise
1 Garlic Clove, Minced
1 Tsp Garlic Chilli Paste
1 Tsp Good Hot Sauce
1/2 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
1/2 Tsp Lemon Juice
Salt and Pepper to Taste
1. Combine all ingredients and use as a shmear on anything from burgers to panninis!
Cuban Carnita Quesadillas
1 Onion Sliced
1 Bay Leaf
3 Pounds Pork Butt or Any Tough Pork Meat
5 Cups of Chicken or Beef Stock
3 Tortillas (Large)
1 Avocado
Dry Rub
2 Tbsp Kosher Salt
1 Tbsp Cayenne
2 Tbsp Paprika
2 Tbsp Garlic Powder
2 Tbsp Onion Powder
1/2 Tsp Ground Black Pepper
1 Tsp Dry Oregano
1. Combine all ingredients of your dry rub and pat onto the pork. Making sure to cover all surface ares. *This will make more than you need for this recipe. But it is a great spice mixture to use on anything!* Cover and let stand in refridgerator for at least 3 hours, best if kept overnight.
2. Remove from fridge and sear meat on all sides until a beautiful golden crust is formed.
3. Place into your favorite crockpot, add in onions and bay lead abd cover with enough stock to submerge pork. Cook for 4-5 hours or until meat shreds easily. *When storing, make sure you store with some of the cooking liquid so that the meat remains moist.*
4. Spray down a large 14" frying pan with oil spray.
5. Place tortilla down and layer on a bit of Carnitas meat, diced avocado and Chihuhah Cheese.
6. Fold over and squish the ends together so the cheese melts and act like a glue.
7. Turn over and cook on other side. Keep warm in the oven until ready to serve.
Serve alongside some homemade Pico de Gallo and sour cream!
Great looking party food, especially for last minute!!
LOL at the photo and yum at the food. The sliders got me all giddy for burgers.
What a fun time. The sliders and the quesadillas both have my mouth watering.
Everything looks great!
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